Effective ways to prevent burnout.

Individuals have often felt unmotivated, stressed, or, even worse, burned out since we shifted to the new normal when people only accomplish things utilizing the internet and their gadgets at home, such as work and school. Burnout is defined by the Mayo Clinic  as “a state of physical or emotional exhaustion linked with a sense of diminishing accomplishment and loss of personal identity.” Burnout can be triggered by a variety of circumstances, including excessive workloads or educational obligations. Burnout is linked to a slew of undesirable outcomes, including physical, emotional, psychological, and professional implications. One of them is that it has an impact on a person’s capacity to produce high-quality output since they are tired from doing activities. Because they are unable to focus and their attention is diverted to other activities, they are unable to accomplish their jobs and work successfully. Burnout can also cause physical problems such as fatigue, insomnia, headaches, stomachaches, irritability, melancholy, isolation, aggression, and more. Because employees believe they are not enough or fit for the role, burnout leads to job discontent, which can lead to resignation.

Top-performing students or employees are more prone to experience burnout, according to Campbell (n.d.), since their employers will push them to the test by assigning them more responsibilities, stretching their time and talents to produce high-quality work. Burnout, on the other hand, is not restricted to high-achieving students or employees. It can and has happened to everyone, including the average individual. It’s because everyone gets tired at one point or another. Here are some suggestions for avoiding burnout


Paulson (2020) stated in her blog that working for long periods of time without taking a break will diminish your productivity in the long term. You feel ineffective at what you’re doing because you’re so busy and don’t have time to rest. Taking a little pause in between jobs can help you relax if you’re feeling unmotivated at work. Making coffee, obtaining your favorite snacks, napping, bathing, playing with your pets, or going for a walk outside to get some fresh air are all options for taking a break. Your mind will be less burdened by all of the responsibilities because you were able to relax and refresh.


When you’re on the point of burnout, being organized is also good. Organizing your thoughts will be easier if you manage your tasks and your space. Simply repainting your table with succulents to calm your eyes would be enough. You may also make your workstation more soothing by adding lights to keep you awake, moving your chair to relax, and finding a chair that is comfy for you. Another approach is to keep track of your activities and progress by creating a schedule or to-do list. Many people do better when they arrange their time and schedule what they will do throughout that period. They can see where they are in their tasks as a result of this. This strategy can also assist you in prioritizing your goals. This will make your job easier because you’ll know what to perform first and which tasks are more vital.


Make time to exercise, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Exercise is an excellent technique to relieve stress and burnout, even if you fear it will make you more tired. It is because it aids in the improvement of your mood. Another option is to eat healthy foods, which will keep you healthy and prevent burnout. Eating healthy foods can also help you feel better by giving your body the nutrition it needs to perform properly and complete your work tasks. However, just because you eat properly doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy your favorite meals like french fries or ice cream. You are free to consume as much as you want, as long as you do it in moderation.


Another way to avoid burnout is to meditate. It is not required that it be taught by professionals. Simply sitting outside with your eyes closed and being aware of your breathing, the ticking of the clock, the sound of nature, and the noise of automobiles outside your home can help you achieve this. Another option is to practice yoga. Because your mind is aware of how you are feeling right now, it can also be considered meditation. Mental fitness includes stress management measures. It helps you recover from stress more quickly and cope with difficult situations like the ones you’re facing right now.


Taking a trip outside of the town or traveling outside of the country to breathe and unwind will prevent you from getting burnout. This method helps people believe that alone time is more valuable than social time. Even if it’s only a weekend away with your pals, it’ll benefit your mental health because you’ll be able to detach from work and other duties. It might also be as simple as turning off your phone and laptop and going to the movies or viewing a movie at home. This can be considered self-care and relaxation, both of which are good for your mental health. This gives you the opportunity to spend time with yourself, allowing you to return to work refreshed.

Burnout is inevitable, especially in our time, when everything, including work and school, is done online. You won’t be able to communicate with or have fun with your friends and colleague. You can only see them because of your monitors. It is, without a doubt, exhausting. As a result, even students are becoming dissatisfied with their education. It can be depressing for some people to be unable to collaborate with their friends and coworkers. Taking a short break, being organized, exercising and eating a healthy diet, meditating, and unwinding are all effective ways to combat burnout. Self-care is considerably more important than everything else, which is why you should take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Begin by taking care of yourself right now and finding a spot where you can relax. For more information, go to @www.camella.com.ph and reserve a unit for only Php 20,000.

Written by: Florence Maritoni Comania / Intern


5 steps to avoid burnout at work. (2020, April 21). Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/how-healing-works/202004/5-steps-avoid-burnout-work

5 ways to prevent burnout. (2020, November 11). Retrieved from https://milestoneleadership.com/5-ways-to-prevent-burnout/?fbclid=IwAR0Te2y_NUGgLt-PKC1zzc_WykbzFfJA7SnOJvbzLt7Nte11hn03OnkDqS8

7 ways to avoid mental burnout. (2020, October 25). Retrieved from https://chelseakrost.com/7-ways-to-avoid-mental-burnout/

Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2021/06/08/how-to-avoid-burnout-and-stay-productive-four-ways/amp/

Melinda. (2018, October 22). Burnout prevention and treatment. Retrieved from https://www.helpguide.org/articles/stress/burnout-prevention-and-recovery.htm

Why employee burnout is harmful to your business. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://wheniwork.com/blog/why-employee-burnout-is-harmful#:~:text=The%20Mayo%20Clinic%20defines%20burnout,coworkers%2C%20lack%20of%20sleep%2C%20and

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